
God Moves and Miracles Happen

2nd September, 2020

Wow is this true! Many people consider miracles to be a thing of the past, of the days of the bible and that is it. I counter this by saying miracles happen even today and not only can we see and experience them in our lives, but we must also share what has happened with our communities (whether that be on social media, the places we live or the churches we belong to).

One of the great things the Hebrews and Jewish people do is they reminisce and tell of great times that God has worked in their lives, without this we wouldn't have a bible to begin with. The Bible is full of accounts and occasions where God has moved and miracles have happened. A miracle is anything out of the norm that impacts a situation.

Miracles have happened many times in my life, whether it is God keeping me safe in situations, helping me financially, keeping me fed, providing work or opportunities to minister He has had a hand in it all. I am grateful that when I pray I can see God moving in a situation. Problems come in when we expect an answer to pray and a change to our circumstance straight away, sometimes things do happen straight away but not always. It is in the times when we need patience that it is important to remind ourselves of the things God has done.

For example the Jews remind themselves every year with the festival of Passover that God rescued the Hebrews from slavery and bondage in Egypt and brought them out, into a promised land, for their very own people and nation. The Jewish people do this to help remind them of Gods goodness, power and authority along with reassuring themselves that if any situation were to arise, God would eventually take care of it and sort it out.

What we do with the people we are surrounded with, especially as believers in Christ, is we need to share also what God has done in our lives because the church is only as powerful as the faith of the believers within. How are we to expect miracles from God if we do not believe that they can happen or even exist today? This is why it is equally important to share with our children the importance in faith and the rewards of having faith. Miracles Happen and they can happen in your life today! They can also happen in the lives of the future generations too as long as we continue to share what God has done and is doing in the lives of humanity.

I pray that you too see the miracles God has available for you. Trust, believe and be patient as some do take time to come through.

Miracles Bible Stories Generations God Miracles do Happen Passover

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