Teachings Tagged "Wise men"


The Star

11th January, 2020

The star, I have been think a lot about the star that sits at the top of the Christmas tree, the star that first made its significance to the wise men who first saw it in the west and travelled east to see what great phenomenon it was guiding them towards.

This post is a little later than I had intended, it was meant to be ready and posted by Christmas to keep in with a festive theme and help peak your interest. However it doesn't particularly matter when this is posted because the theme and focus of the post is not about Christmas at all, but about Jesus. If we think about it the wise men (Magi) would have had to see the star months in advance to the birth of Christ if they were to arrive just after He was born, similarly they still would have seen the star for months if the star arrived at the birth of Christ and it took them 2 years to reach our infant Lord (scripture isn't particularly clear on which it was).

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